Dr Victor Wu (PhD). Dr Wu is a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Acupuncturist with Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. He has been practicing Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture for over 39 years with a long successful history in providing his patients traditional sachets of high quality medicinal Chinese herbs and essences that have been long formulated and refined till this day.
Dr. Victor Wu graduated from medical college in China, holds a PhD in Chinese Medicine received from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and currently serves in the following roles:
Vice-President of the 1st Board of Specialty Committee of Hypertension of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS);
Executive Council Member of the 1st Board of Specialty Committee of Pain Rehabilitation of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS);
Honorary President & Secretary-General of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA);
Life Honorary President of Hong Kong Herbalists Association.
Area of Practice
- Acupuncture
- Remedial Massage
- English
- Chinese